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Turismo Punto de Información Turística - 8mMill Products: Lumber, Grist, And Ginning - Athens-Clarke County North Oconee River Greenway Athens’ first settlers used the huge forests and fertile slil of the area tk build their homes and provide food and clothing materials. Punto de Información Turística - 47m - Cook & Brother Plaza Punto de Información Turística - 45m - Cook & Brother Plaza Punto de Información Turística - 48m - Cook & Brother Plaza Punto de Información Turística - 44m - Cook & Brother Plaza Punto de Información Turística - 43m - Cook & Brother Plaza Punto de Información Turística - 25mMill Products Cook & Brother Plaza Threads, cords and ropes producedthe the Athens Manufacturing Company. Punto de Información Turística - 14mMill Products: Weaponry - Athens-Clarke County North Oconee River Greenway The Cook brothers came to Athens to manufacture guns for the Confederate Army. Punto de Información Turística - 19mMill Products Cook & Brother Plaza Threads, cords and ropes manufactured at the Athens Manufacturing Company. Punto de Información Turística - 158m - East Broad Street Punto de Información Turística - 197m - East Broad Street Punto de Información Turística - 34mWater Power Cook & Brother Plaza When using a creek or river to power a mill, water is channeled along a man-made headrace to direct it to the waterwheel. Punto de Información Turística - 48mWater Power: Water And Gravity Cook & Brother Plaza The force of gravity pulls us towards the ground. This force also pulls downhill, and provides power to do work. Punto de Información Turística - 45mWater Power: Waterwheels Cook & Brother Plaza Up until 1918 the textile mills along the river were powered directly by water using turbine waterwheels. Punto de Información Turística - 20mMaking Things In The Mill: Waterwheel To Product Cook & Brother Plaza Many different products were manufactured in the Athens mills, but the mills all worked in a similar way. Punto de Información Turística - 9mMaking Things In The Mill: Textiles Cook & Brother Plaza Weaving fabric required very skilled workers. Punto de Información Turística - 13mThe Millstone, Grist Mills: Cornmeal and Flour North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 39m - East Broad Street, 1170 Punto de Información Turística - 21m - Cook & Brother Plaza Punto de Información Turística - 17mMaking Things In The Mill: Weaponry Cook & Brother Plaza Water provided the power to saw, bore, mill, forge, cast and polish high quality rifles, carbines, and bayonets at the Cook & Brother Armory during the Civil War. Punto de Información Turística - 15mMaking Things In The Mill: Textiles Cook & Brother Plaza Making textiles from raw cotton requires several steps. Punto de Información Turística - 21mMaking Things In The Mill: Sawing Cook & Brother Plaza Coming to the sawmill with felled trees, the settlers would leave with sawn timber to build their houses, barns and furniture. Punto de Información Turística - 201m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 291m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 286m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 305m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 235m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 298m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 311m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 274mAthens Gets Connected: Railroad Trestles North Oconee River Greenway The Georgia Rail Road crossed the Oconee River into Athens in 1883. Punto de Información Turística - 118m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 342m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 348m - North Oconee River Greenway Punto de Información Turística - 288m - Atracción Turística - 15m - Cook & Brother Plaza Atracción Turística - 30m - Cook & Brother Plaza Artesanía - 195m - North Oconee River Greenway Artesanía - 334m - Artesanía - 395mCovered Bridge-Trestle Dawg East Broad Street Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
Cook & Brother Plaza